So by now you've probably read of my shameful day as leader. Basically one cock-up after another, here's a short breakdown of events.
Originally planning to wake up at a time whereby everyone could shower, eat and pack at a leisurely pace before getting into taxi's, we were actually rudely awakened by our lifesaver Imogen, shouting that we had 5 minutes to get into our taxi's. Thankfully the taxi ride to the boat was not as long as we expected and we arrived with plenty of time to board the boat.
The boat ride was great, once again sailing through crocodile-infested waters, though disappointed with the lack of crocodiles, the amazing scenery, hot sun and cool breeze made lying on the deck an experience not to be forgotten, and one that led to my punishment for the next few days.
Disembarking the boat, we once again loaded onto to taxi's to head to the bus station. The next cock-up coming from the taxi driver of one of the cabs being adamant on taking 5 of us to the airport, 40 minutes later, suddenly remembering he can speak english when confronted by a police man, the taxi eventually reaches the the awaiting team at the bus station.
The bus taking us from Sibu to Miri was the third thing that day we underestimated, taking 6, rather than 3 hours to reach our accommodation, we then argued with the receptionist at 1 o'clock in the morning, though it was partially our fault we arrived late, they had managed to cock-up our room arrangements. We walked out and headed to the much nicer Dillenia guesthouse where an american couple noted how the same hotel had cocked-up their rooms too (see, not our fault, ha).
So that was my hectic day as a leader, though it was not the smoothest day, I did manage to get us half-way across the country and into decent accommodation for the next 3 nights and paid dearly for the day with the aforementioned punishment, after spending 5 hours on the deck of the boat, I emerged from the day with the most painfully sunburnt legs of my life. Looking like a lobster and walking like a zombie, having been ridiculed the last 3 days I at least take comfort in what Neil said, "These are the days that people remember and will laugh about".
So, onto todays event, we travelled to the Niah caves, a huge cavern 3km into the jungle. The entrance of the cave was spectacular and looked moreso from the inside. Headtorches on we descended into the caves, bats flying overhead and cave-crickets on the floor, it was always a miraculous site when Mark shined his ultra-bright torch upwards, revealing hundreds of hanging bats. Though cut short by maintenance, we had had lunch at the other side of the caves, on the edge of a drop into the jungle before returning back through the giant system and heading home, preparing for the next 5 days trek through the jungle.
Sorry for the long blog but I thought it only fair that you all get the chance to laugh at me and this is one of the last blogs heading your way in at least a week.
Hope everyone's having a great holiday so far and see you all soon! :)