Saturday, July 28, 2012

At the Red Corner Restaurant on our last day in Kutching
Its 1.13 in the morning and only now does the internet allow us to fully access the site. When last I tried to post I was unable to so instead I left a comment attached to a previous post, so if you want to hear about our journey from Kutching to Miri, please review the comments on the previous entries.

Not a great deal has happened today as it was set aside for admin. We met Sampson, our in-country agent - what an amazing bloke. If he isn't related to every important dignitary in the country then he went to school with them.

The team went shopping today and bought a kilogram of rice per person for the trek. Given the fact that we will only need 4 dinners and they have got noodles too, then I think they might have over-catered. It's a shame because they were so proud of themselves.

Off to the Niah caves tomorrow - that should be quite an experience. The team managed to convince Rob that we were going to fly there. The boy should be blonde! Every day there has been something else that has put him at the top of the 'doh' league.

Jack has recovered from his day as leader, in fact, I don't think there was actually anything to recover from as he just let the whole thing pass him by.

Jon has had a quiet day since his performance with the wok at the restaurant yesterday.

Jon enjoys a curry prepared especially for him.
Jody spotted a tarantula in the toilet. It must have been at least 15mm across! She says she will be fine in the jungle.

Emma is becoming the mother of the group. Yes, she moans a bit, (no really, only a bit), but I have been so pleased with how she has risen to the challenge. She still doesn't always know whether she is asking a sensible question, but more often than not she is and she is so good at seeing that something needs to be done and getting it sorted.

Matt has had another quiet day, but I know that he is beginning to manage things in his own way and is exerting influence where he thinks he can.

Shivi was leader today and whilst, to be fair, it was not the most difficult day to be leader, nevertheless, she was calmly efficient. Abbie's turn tomorrow.

Dan has a problem! He cannot make himself heard. Really, he cannot shout. Whatever the situation he cannot raise his voice. I thought he was joking at first, but we have now set him a personal challenge. Not sure he will rise to it.

On the boat from Kutching to Sibu. Lots of bodies got fried that day!

Nigel, what kind of a reason is that to support Chelsea?


  1. Great to get the blogs and lovely to see you all looking so relaxed and happy.
    Lots of love to Amy

  2. Well it could have been a lot worse Neil, it could have been bham city!!!
    Keep the blogs coming, we are loving them.

  3. So the blog is playing up and we just wanted you all to know, we're going to be a bit quiet for a while as we're off to our trek! Eek! Just letting you know so you don't think we've dropped off the face of the earth. We will update you all when we're finished. Wish us luck. (And big love to the Hughes Family)
